We are so excited to welcome you and your children back to church and our Redemption Kids classrooms!
9:30 service:   birth-6th grade classrooms provided
       11:00 service:    birth-4th grade available (no Ignite class).

By reserving a spot for your child(ren) in Sunday School, you acknowledge and agree to the updated health and safety guidelines outlined below.

Redemption Kids is committed to providing a safe, secure and fun Gospel-centered Sunday School.

  • In the classroom, masks are required for adults and children 1st grade and older.

  • Classrooms open 15 minutes prior to service and close 10 minutes after.  Parents must pick up immediately following the service to allow time for sanitizing.

  • Children must be symptom-free for 24 hours, showing no signs of cough, sneezing, discharge, or flu-like symptoms unrelated to pre-existing condition.

  • Parents must check their children's temperature and affirm at check-in that it has not been higher than 100.4° in the past 24 hours.

  • R/Kids Staff will be temperature-checked. Our Kids team is committed to being fever and symptom-free for at least 24 hours prior to our Sunday services.

  • There will be no snacks in two-year-old classrooms and above. Juice/water cups or waterbottles are not permitted. Children will be offered water in disposable cups.

  • Activities will be carefully chosen to limit contact, while recognizing that distancing between children (especially young children) is not possible.

  • Staff and team members will follow sanitizing and hand-washing procedures. Sanitized toys will be provided for preschool children at each service. 

  • Parents should be diligent to teach hand-washing procedures (including washing hands for at least 20 seconds) before allowing their children to participate.

Reminder: Classrooms are available at the 9:30am service (birth-6th grades), and 11am service (birth-4th grades). As you register, remember that children should be checked into their new 2020-21 graded classrooms.